Have You Taken Care Of Yourself


  • 12 Week Self Care Coaching

    Take time out for yourself, one hour a week, to let go of your stress. Vent away your stressors and let your coach give you tools for routines, accountability & support.

    Develop a commitment to focusing on your needs & let someone keep you accountable for taking care of you! Your worth it!

    12 Week package 960.00

    • Payment plans available

    • 20% non refundable deposit required to get started.

  • 16 Week Self Care Coaching

    In this 16 week Coaching Program we will talk through your weekly stressors, develop routines. uncover your stress relievers, and help you carve out a plan to keep the commitments you make to yourself.

    After your 16 weeks of coaching you will have unlocked the free resource library that will give you access to a free accountability group, Ebooks & other exclusive material.

    16 Week Package $1200

    • Payment Plans available

    • 20% non refundable deposit required to get started.

  • 20 Week Self Care Coaching

    A longer more immersive coaching experience to solidify your self care practices. You will get access to the free resource library as well as personal weekly motivational emails.

    You will also have 20% off for life on all other products or services - with a “VIP title”.

    You will be more than equipped with the support you need for continued self care.

    20 Week Package $1600

    • Payment Plans available

    • 20% non refundable deposit required to get started